How to protect you in your future
“It’s easy to predict the future. The hard part is making it come true.” Nels
Every experience you create in the present makes it easier for you to create one like it in the future. You are practicing, doing what you are doing now. You’ll be even better at it tomorrow. That’s another reason why it’s so important to create a good right now. Right now is rehearsal for the future.
You can, by a technique I’m going to show you, also mentally provide additional resources for your future self, to protect it, provide for it, giving you experience having your own self back in your future.
Future pace
This is a simple, effective way to add resources to your future, to make them available where and when you need them.
You can rework your experience, then use it to add resources to your future.
Here’s how
Say you’ve planned a birthday get together for a family member, but it didn’t turn out as you wished. In fact, they never do, it’s something you’d like to do well, but don’t seem to have the knack, though you keep trying.
Go back to the experience, and ask yourself what could have happened to make it turn out the way you wanted, or at least much better than it did.
You might determine that if you’d started preparing a week earlier, made a list and had everything in place several days early that things would have gone better. Also, maybe you realize that you needed to take into account that some family members are always late, and others always want to leave early. So, rather than let that bother you, you could have just accepted that they will do that, and plan to allow them to without fretting about it.
Examine the experience several times if you need to, looking for other things that could have gone better for you if your own actions had been different.
When you have pretty much gone over the ground enough, then mentally imagine, as in creating a video tape, with you seeing it from inside the action, that they actually did go that way.
Imagine fully having done it the better way, from start to finish.
If it still needs tweaking, go back again and re-run the video tape with the improvements.
Now, go into your future, imagining a time in the future when those skills would be useful to you.
Create another mental video tape, again, (with you seeing the action from within the tape as though it were actually happening to you,) using your new skills and applying them to some similar situation.
Do this two more times, mentally rehearsing using the new abilities in differing future situations that could possibly happen, possible situations in which applying your new skills would make a difference for you.
That’s future pacing. It can be used to harvest the good from experience, enrich yourself with improvements you create from those experiences, then enrich your future by placing the resources there.
Rehearsing the improvements in a future setting makes them available to you then. Research has confirmed that what we mentally rehearse we find more easy to do. Basketball players who practiced only in their imagination shooting baskets accurately, in detail, were almost as good at it as those who actually practiced tossing the ball.
Rather than regret and discouragement over something that did not go well, you can now utilize future pacing to create a resource for you from the experience.
Extreme self-care
Coaches encourage their clients to incorporate what we call “extreme self-care” into their normal activities. It means what it sounds like. From now on, nothing is too good for you. It does not mean denying anyone else anything, but does mean providing the very best for you.
Why? Because you need to believe you are worth takeing good care of. You need to believe you love you enough to protect and care for you. Because you actually are worth it, that’s why. And because it’s enjoyable, and you need lots of pleasure and enjoyment. You need to get accustomed to providing that for yourself on an ongoing basis.
How to do it
Not everyone wants to have a pedicure, manicure, masssage, facial at a salon, or slather themselves with wonderful smelling lotion after they step from a soak in the tub surrounded by scented candles. But, it’s worth a try to see if you would like it. Lots of people have never tried any of the above, or the many other things they’ve thought of as personal pampering, or luxuries not meant for them. Go forth and experiment with personal pampering.
Wear only the best you can afford, if that pleases you. Wear only what looks the best on you. Indulge in every pampering, self pleasing sensory pleasure you can think of. Go look for books with more ideas, there are quite a few out there.
What you actually enjoy, repeat, and keep on doing it. Become an accomplished pamperer of yourself.
Boundary extension
Keep on noticing where your natural boundaries are, and then extend them a bit, make even more space for you, creating an even greater comfort zone.
If you get tired, or bored when in someone’s company, get up, politely, and excuse yourself. The bathroom is a wonderful escape opportunity. Anyone can go to the bathroom almost at any time, take a few minutes to relax, breathe deeply, wash your face, comb your hair, apply a little lotion to your hands, whatever makes you feel comfortable and treasured.
If you’d like to have some space, maybe go for a walk, plan for ways to gracefully and courteously extricate yourself from the group and go. If you’d like to go to your room and rest for a few minutes, find ways to do that.
Plan ahead, so that your boundary needs can always be satisfied generously. If you encounter a situation where your boundaries are being infringed upon, or have been previously, use that experience as an opportunity to future pace a better, more boundary protective experience in the future.
Resource rich
Make your personal life so resource rich that you will be surrounded by the best of everything. Your life is your art, make it beautiful. You are your chief treasure, protect you and enhance you.
Reserves abundance
Provide reserves of rest for yourself, extra empty space on your shelves and in your closets. Buy extra staples so you won’t run out of soap, tissue, toilet paper, detergent. Look for places to add reserves. It will free you from work, calm you and make you feel more secure and well cared for.
Share your gifts and talents with the world
Not as an obligation, nor in any way that impoverishes you or drains you or overloads you, but as the overflow of joy from a cup filled to the brim and running over. Share who you are, in your own way, true to you, in whatever manner that appeals to you. Who you are is excellent, it always is. There are no people who are not excellent, when they are who they are. We all have gifts and talents to share, and we have a need to share them. When the opportunity comes to you, and you feel inclined, share yours. It will enrich the world and enrich you too.