Gordon Tisher of Balafon recently blogged on problems he sees in the attacks on the TNIV. Among blogs there have been far more posts negative about the TNIV than for it. Typically anti-TNIV posts repeat claims made by others, often originating with Wayne Grudem, who never points out that what he considers "errors" in the TNIV are considered as exegetical options within the community of biblical scholars. What Grudem calls "errors" can only be considered real errors if one begins with his theological and ideological presuppositions.
Well, let's get back to Gordon Tisher's post. Gordon addresses these anti-TNIV claims:
- Tampering with Scripture, including, ironically, Revelation 22:18-19.
- Culture is influencing translation.
- The Slippery Slope: translating “πατηρ” as “parent” might lead to referring to God as “parent” instead of “father”, and to referring to Jesus as female.
- They’ve taken a lot of masculinity out of the Bible — it’s not as much a man’s Bible any more.
It's a fairly lengthy post, but worth the read, if you want to hear another viewpoint about the TNIV which has not gotten as much press or blog coverage as that of Grudem and those who repeat his arguments.