In case you don't know, a "one banana" site is a one page sales/marketing web site. It has a looooong spiel, testimonials, offers, more spiel, more testimonials, benefits, offers, and so on, and so on. I've learned to hate them. Not all of them just most of them. Like real bananas there are good ones and bad ones. Some are good to eat, some to sample and toss, and some not worth peeling.
Why the one banana site?
Someone, or several someones did research, or not, and claimed that it shows long one banana sites work. When I complain about those eternally scrolling sites with the bad used car salesman flavor I'm usually told, "Oh, yes, they can be irritating, but they work!" Maybe.
The Best Banana
I know that some do work, or at least one does. I've only found one among all the abundant banana bunch that I thought really good, good to the last bite, good to the last little bananaish crumb. That is the site. It's so good I like to go there and hang out, read it again, try to detect all the nuances in its tasty goodness. I study it to find out how it was done.
The brain behind that site is evidently Dean Jackson, who, I'm told by those who know him well, wrote every word of it, and that it is the masterpiece of marketing wizardry I thought I had discovered when I first read it.
If you insist on bananas, please learn from the best, apply what you learn, and keep tweaking your banana to improve it. Otherwise, serve different marketing fruit.