Check out Wayne Lehman's posting about James Dobson's radio broadcast featuring Wayne Grudem attacking the TNIV Bible translation, and Stan Gundry's written response on the Better Bibles Blog:
Gundry responds to Grudem and Focus on the Family
"We blogged last week
about the two broadcasts of Focus on the Family in which Wayne Grudem
was the guest and continued his attacks on the TNIV. (You can download
the broadcasts for free in MP3 format or order a CD from FOTF.) There was no opportunity given on either FOTF
broadcast for anyone to response to the accusations against the TNIV
made by Dr. Grudem. In this post Dr. Stan Gundry, who was one of my
professors in Bible school, responds." [I'm not finding a live link for that]
To continue reading: Gundry responds to Grudem and Focus on the Family click here.
To visit Focus On The Family's broadcast archives, to listen to the Grudem broadcasts in Real Audio or Windows Media formats click here. The broadcasts are listed in the archives as The Problem With The TNIV part 1 (broadcast on 10/26/05) and The Problem With The TNIV part 2 (broadcast on 10/27/05).
Hi Pat, nice to see this info promoted on your site also. Do you need any full disclosure statement about your relationship to Stan?! :-) (Just kidding.)
About the two FOTF mp3 files, yes, they are gone, but I now have them available for download from one of my websites:
Also, the streaming audio for both broadcasts is still available from the FOTF website at this address:
Click on the red link "Listen now" near the top of the page.
Finally, although my wife and I accept mail address to us with the last name of Lehman, our family name is actually spelled Leman. I know it's the odd spelling. But just be glad that grandpa changed the spelling. His family name used to be Radevonski!
Posted by: Wayne Leman | November 13, 2005 at 09:34 PM